True Spirit of Volunteering

A cheerful group of young in heart people came to Kibbutz Bet HaEmek, filled with a determination to help, to improve the visual aspect, to do any work needed – and all this with genuine joy and happiness and a true spirit of volunteering.

They rolled up their sleeves, picked up paint and paintbrushes and with endless energy painted the railings of the children’s houses perfectly! Cleared and built a climbing area in the kindergarten and then made a wonderful area for the older children to play and put on impromptu performances.

On behalf of all the children on the kibbutz, we want to thank each and every one of you personally and hope to see you back with us soon.

With heartfelt thanks

Tsvia Golan                                     Ofra Gross

Head of Preschool Activities             Head of After School Activities

Kibbutz Bet HaEmek

Kim Goldberg