Sports Bridge

Sports are universal and bring people together to experience messages of inclusiveness, friendship, cooperation, and community. The P3 Israel program, Sports Bridge brings professional athletes to Israel to address issues of antisemitism, racism, and intolerance through sports.

Build bridges with Sports

We believe sports build bridges among people and is the perfect vehicle to spread the values of inclusion and diversity. While we believe that professional athletes can be an important part of sharing and spreading our message of inclusiveness, we also understand that the best way to end this cycle of hatred is by influencing our youth. Through education in sports, our efforts with children today will promote a future of healthy leaders for tomorrow. 


While uniting around sports is something we believe the vast majority of the world can get behind, we are also hoping to bring together the African-American and Jewish communities who have been particularly vulnerable to hatred in the forms of racism and antisemitism. We remember the times of the Civil Rights Movement when the black and Jewish communities were strong partners in the march for equality.


We believe, because of the words he said and the actions he took, Martin Luther King would be pleased with what we are striving to achieve:

Probably more than any other ethnic group, the Jewish community has been sympathetic and has stood as an ally to the Negro in his struggle for justice.
— Martin Luther King, March 26, 1968 address to the 68th annual convention of the Rabbinical Assembly

A Force for Positive Change

The role of sports and organized athletics are considered benefits to society. These benefits and the place that sports often holds societies make athletics a force for positive change in the world. The athletes bring an ability to drive social change through advocacy. Despite the challenges, sports remain a force for combatting discrimination and injustice. 


Join Us

P3 Israel is committed to building relationships through sports and bringing people, partnership, and provision to the people of Israel and combatting hate through sports. If you believe in the power of sports to bring people of different cultures, faiths, and nationalities together, please join us in our mission and support our Sports Bridge initiative.

It was ‘illegal’ to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany. But I am sure that if I had lived in Germany during that time, I would have aided and comforted my Jewish brothers even though it was illegal.
— Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963