Celebrating Israel's Independence in the Western Galilee during Corona!
Israel, like the US and other countries is having to deal with the challenges of the Corona pandemic. Many of our partner organizations in the Western Galilee have reduced their operations to adhere to government regulations regarding social distancing.
Western Galilee and Nazareth
Another challenge we face is celebrating Israel’s 72nd. Independence Day. As you can imagine this is usually where families get together, open air shows, street parties, barbeques and celebrations take place from one end of the country to the other.
This year, however, the government has said that large public gatherings (more than 10 people) are forbidden and during Independence Day itself, there will a ban on travel outside of your home community.
So, like many communities in the era of self-isolation, virtual platforms have come to the forefront providing a way for people to interact with others – via the internet.
P3 ISRAEL partners with organizations and communities in the Western Galilee, an area in the north of Israel along the coast from Acre up to Rosh Hanikra. As part of the effort to celebrate Independence Day together while self-isolating, the “Partnership2gether WesternGalilee” organization (Part of the Jewish Agency) is organizing a wide variety of virtual events beginning Sunday, April 26.
We invite you to join with us and the people of the communities we serve in the Western Galilee, to celebrate Israel’s Independence.
To see the list of virtual events, click HERE